
Aper is a Rust library for representing data that can be read and written to by multiple users in real time.

Use-cases of Aper include managing the state of an application with real-time collaboration features, creating an timestamped audit trail of an arbitrary data structure, and synchronizing the game state of a multiplayer game.

The core aper library implements the underlying data structures and algorithms, but is agnostic to the actual mechanism for transfering data on a network. The crates aper-yew and aper-serve provide a client and server implementation aimed at synchronizing state across multiple WebAssembly clients using WebSockets.

How it works

For Aper to synchronize state, it must be represented as a state machine. This means that:

  1. It implements the StateMachine trait, which has two type arguments (Transition and Conflict) and one method: apply(&self, t: &Transition).
  2. All changes to its internal state flow through this apply method.
  3. Updates to state are entirely deterministic. They may depend on the current state and any data that is contained in the transition value, and nothing else.
  4. If a conflict arises (i.e. if apply returns anything other than Ok(())), the state machine is not mutated.

#1 is enforced by Rust's type system, but it's your responsibility to satisfy the other three. In particular, accessing the current time, non-determistic random number generators, or external data in apply is a violation of #3.

Keeping State in Sync

In principle, the way that Aper keeps state in sync is pretty simple: when a client connects, they receive a full copy of the latest copy of the state. Thereafter, they receive a real-time stream of Transitions. Every client receives the same transitions in the same order, so their states are updated in lockstep. This is why it's important that apply is deterministic. If it were not, states could become divergent even if they received the same transition stream.

Note that for this model to work, the client can't throw away previous states immediately when a local transition happens, because the server might accept a transition from another peer before accepting the one created locally. We need the old state in order to replay the transitions in the right order. In order to do this, the client keeps the entire chain of transitions from the last transition confirm by the server up to the most recent local transition.